Ship Management Company/COSMO SEALAND CO., LTD


Organization chart

Business Division Profiles

Ship Management Division

Ship Management DivisionThe Ship Management Division supports the crew in carrying out a range of onboard maintenance tasks.
Another aspect of their work is helping the crew respond to malfunctions of the ship’s equipment and in the case of a major accident.
The Ship Management Division is responsible for planning and conducting annual and regular inspection of vessels, and for planning and budgeting periodic repairs in dock.
Superintendents belonging to the Ship Management Division are responsible for between three to five vessels. To ensure their smooth operation, they visit the ships’ ports of call whether in Japan or overseas, and oversee ships in the dockyard.

Ship Management DivisionShip Management Division


Operation Management Division

"Safe and efficient operation of the crew and vessel, and protecting the environment are everything"
The Operation Management Division revises the company’s Safety Control Manual and Safety Plan based on the ISM/ISPS Code so as to comply with new regulations, respond to nonconformity, and in response to proposals.
We conduct inspections and check operational performance through ship visits, as well as carrying out training in system maintenance.We forecast the various risks involved for vessels, and provide accurate information and advice for decision-making, and make arrangements as appropriate
The Operation Management Division raises the ability of individual crew by conducting education and training to raise awareness of safety. We respond promptly to maritime accidents and cargo damage, and work to minimize damage. We also conduct accident investigation analysis to devise measures to prevent recurrence.


Crew Management Division

The ship’s crew is an essential aspect of vessel operations. In recent years, we have mainly employed seamen from overseas. Filipino and Indonesian seamen crew most of the ships we manage. They are selected and hired through our manning agents in each country. For ship management, it is of crucial importance to consider the characteristics of the vessel, its mode of navigation and other factors, and to select crew based on an overall understanding of their aptitude and qualifications. It can be said that the quality of ship management services depends on obtaining capable crew.

The employment and disposition of seamen would not be possible without close cooperation and mutual trust with our manning agencies in each country. We maintain communication by telephone and email, and through visits by the crew management staff to meet directly with manning agents, to convey our wishes and to ascertain the situation on the ground. We also collect the reports and evaluations of superintendents concerning the skills and abilities of crew members, or visit the ships in ports of call in person to talk to active crew directly to ensure the best manning situation.

From our inauguration, Cosmo Sealand has pursued ship management with the recognition that seamen are the critical factor. We recognize the crews that man the ships we manage as assets. If our seamen are lacking something, we seek to make improvements, in the belief that it will redound to the benefit of the company. This may seem commonplace, but seamen are human beings, and they have their moods and dispositions. They have families waiting for them at home. We do all we can to ensure that they are happy in their work.
